Still from my film The Secret Life of Things (2006)

Euphonia1 is a newsletter concerning my work as an artist and writer. As notionally conceived, these dispatches will include, in no particular order:

  • new texts by me, published elsewhere or exclusively here;

  • recent research related to artwork in progress;

  • photos, short videos, and visual art by me, sometimes by other people;

  • the occasional promotion of an exhibition or screening or Sasquatch-rare public manifestation.

I should mention that these dispatches will be free for the foreseeable future, though paid subscriptions and donations are accepted.

Thank you for reading.

John Menick


Euphonia was a 19th-century speaking machine created by the German astronomer and high-functioning hypochondriac, Joseph Faber. Faber worked for decades on the device, which was made up of a keyboard and organ attached to an artificial mouth, larynx, and throat. Euphonia could speak three languages (two more than me) and, in 1846, it performed at P.T. Barnum’s Egyptian Hall. Euphonia means “good sounding,“ though, by most earwitness accounts, it was a cursed and frightening device. You can read more about speaking machines in an essay I wrote for the Guggenheim Bilbao exhibition, Architecture Effects.

Subscribe to Euphonia

A newsletter by the artist and writer John Menick.


Artist and writer. Images: Documenta, IFFR, Palais de Tokyo, PS1. Words: The Believer, Frieze, Mousse, Mubi.